The Laundry Room Diaries - Angela McKay

Balancing Family and Business: Angela McKay's Anti-Social Selling System for Busy Moms

Angela McKay

Struggling to balance family and business while working from home? We've got you covered! In this episode of Laundry Room Diaries, Angela McKay unveils her revolutionary "anti-social selling system," a game-changer for busy moms striving to manage both worlds. Learn from Angela, a supermom of seven, as she shares her personal journey and expert insights into creating simple yet effective systems. Discover the magic of a structured schedule, a designated workspace, and the importance of differentiating between 'working in' and 'working on' your business to boost productivity.

Ready to "boss up" and conquer your to-do list? Angela will guide you through strategic planning and scheduling tailored to achieve your business goals without compromising precious family time. With practical tips on conducting a time inventory and dedicating at least two hours a day to income-producing tasks, this episode is packed with actionable advice. Tune in and prepare to transform your summer, ensuring you maintain productivity while enjoying quality moments with your loved ones. Don't miss out—this episode is your blueprint for a balanced and successful work-from-home life!

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back to the Laundry Room Diaries. This is Angela McKay, and today we're deep diving into what I call is my anti-social selling system. Say that three times. But seriously, friend, today I'm going to take you through a system that really changed the way I showed up in my business as a busy mom raising seven kids and building my brand and global empire. And when I say that, that means I've been working in network marketing for 15 years and launching global markets.

Speaker 1:

And so, as a busy mom working from home, you can imagine the challenges that come with that territory. Although it sounds really great and exciting, there are obstacles when you work from home. I always say your work is always staring at you. At least it was for me when it was at my kitchen table. You know there's interruptions, from the doorbell ringing to the dog barking to a child, meeting something or just looking at the laundry and the to-do list. So I know, as a mom and as a boss, we have to have simple systems in place for our business in order to get the success. And so I felt like as in real time. Right now we're just kind of pivoting into summer and that seems so exciting because there's lazier days, typically less scheduling, unless you're a baseball mom. But really, guys, the fact is is summer changes the way we show up in our business. Because we have our kids at home, we have more demands, we have more meals to cook, more laundry to do and in fact, there's more noise in the household. I always found it super challenging, like I would record my podcast in my closet or in my car sometimes, just because I needed a sound proof that space. But you know, as moms I feel like we pivot and we always figure it out.

Speaker 1:

And there was a season in my business where I was struggling with the to do list. I was letting that to do list kind of get me down if I wasn't getting those checks off of the list and it would start to create an emotional pressure in my business. Now I don't know if you can relate to that, but let's face it, when we have a to-do list that doesn't get marked off, it starts to become this like cloud hanging over us and sometimes what we didn't get done yesterday already starts to impact our today and in fact it can start to become that procrastination space where we go. Oh, I feel drained, what used to energize me and thoughts of getting something done has slipped into a few days, and now I feel overwhelmed and, honestly, a little under the feeling of being productive. And I know for myself I would go into procrastination mode where I would literally rewrite my list, because, hey, who doesn't like a good list? But the fact was is I was just busy and I wasn't being productive, and it wasn't until I started to notice in my network marketing business some things starting to shift and I thought I need to figure this out because I am burning out, I am feeling overwhelmed, I am feeling the strain of trying to put on all the hats as a mom and a boss, and I knew I had to get in to the trenches, but I also had to get dialed into a schedule, and so I kind of did some research. Yes, we've heard the power hour one, you know, where we talk about how to really come into your power hour and show up. But I wanted to take it a step further. For me, I really needed to get my ADD mom brain and focus in, and it's in those focus sessions that I can really conquer the world. But if I don't have the who, the how, the when and the why in my hour. There's a chance that I'm going to be rewriting my list, and so today I wanted to take you into what I call my antisocial selling system and I'm going to lightly touch on it. This is actually something I coach and mentor people with inside my signature coaching program, but for you, today, I wanted to give you just a little win this week at starting your summer strong and getting those goals and those check marks in place.

Speaker 1:

So let's dive in to the social selling system now, or the anti-social selling system. So what I've done is I've based this on a block time of Monday through Friday. That's where I always say let's be real, ladies, it's great to be like I want to show up and I want to hustle and all the things, but you have to have time for family, time for faith and really just time for yourself to recharge. There are seasons where you can hustle on a Saturday. I always leave Sunday sacred to faith and family. That's my personal space. But I encourage you to have your own personal space where you have some boundaries set around when you work and when you don't. Now, knowing that most of the time, the Monday through Friday is going to be that big schedule time block. Now what is important to do is you're going to have to learn how to schedule and assign your productivity places, and so in my anti-social selling system, I talk about the two hour minimum workday. Now, what I love about this is in two hours you can get a lot done if you know what you're doing and you come in ready to work.

Speaker 1:

And, like in past episodes I talked about, it's important, especially when you're working from home, to have that designated space. It doesn't have to be a fancy office and in fact, when I started, it was my laundry room, hence the title of the podcast. It was the quiet place where I could put a pad of paper or my laptop on the dryer and go to work. It was a place where no one was going to find me, because who wants to go hang out in the laundry room? But a mom trying to crush some goals. But what I found was is I had a designated place and when I was going into that place, I knew what I was going to get done. No, it wasn't sorting socks and towels, although sometimes that would multitask but I tried to stay away from that kind of activity and stay focused on the actual productivity of that hour and what I did was I assigned my work schedule for that day. I knew when I was going to start, when I was going to stop. I would put notifications on sleep. I usually give the kids like a great movie or an activity that they would do while I was working and that allowed me to stay focused in my space.

Speaker 1:

Now, in each of the days of the week, I got super clarified in what I was going to do in each of those days. I didn't go into a power hour and go. I'm going to talk to two of my leaders, make a reel, write a training and talk to three prospects about our latest and greatest sales opportunity. That was overwhelming when I operated in that multitasking lane, but instead I gave one hour to dedicated working in my business and one hour of working online on my business. Okay, so let's define that.

Speaker 1:

Working in your business means these are things you're doing for your business. They're working. You're working like on, maybe creating some great content, you're doing some calls with your team leaders, maybe you're watching a training you know or even producing a training for your leader. The in your business means it's inside and it's not generating any real income or outcome at the moment, although it's giving value. And that's really important to understand, because a lot of times people think that working in their business is going to get them results and they get stuck and they get frustrated. And so what I encourage you to do is understand that one hour you're going to be in your business and the second hour you're going to be working on your business. Now you can probably understand the caveat from end to on.

Speaker 1:

On your business is what I like to call your DMO, or daily method of operation, but it's your income producing activities in that DMO. Who are you talking to? About what? You're talking to potential customers, about purchasing, maybe you're talking to your loyal customers and upselling, maybe you're talking to a new prospect to join your team and getting them to enroll, all leading to dollar signs On your business, means on your bank account, and so you want to make sure that you have those activities in place. Or you're going to feel very frustrated come payday, because I see so often people sitting in their business doing all the things, feeling busy, feeling like they've shown up, and then, when it comes to payday, they go. I'm not making any money and it's because you've got a little lopsided there and you've stuck in a lane that does not produce income, but it does produce value, and so it's important to find a two hour space.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to be honest when I started, I didn't have two hours a day. I was expecting, I believe, our sixth, and I ran a boutique business which I was pretty much the only employee towards the end. So I was running a very tired schedule, and when my new network marketing coach told me, angie, you need to find time in your week, I said I don't have any. I was that person, and so I love the fact that I did have time. I just didn't see where I was spending time.

Speaker 1:

So if you're sitting here right now saying I don't really have time, angela, I want you to do a time inventory. I want you to go look at your screen time. You do have time. You've been scrolling and that's not working on your business. Look at what you watch. Do you Netflix binge? Do you read a book at night for leisure? You might have to sacrifice a little of that time in the short term so you can get a lot more freedom and time in the long term. So make sure you do a time inventory and find and carve out two hours a day. Now they don't have to be back to back hours and, in fact, sometimes busy moms. It might be 30 minutes here and 30 minutes there. However, you need to block it out is up to you. You just got to get to two Now. Two hours a day, monday through Friday, equals the 10 hour work week. You're starting to see kind of where we're headed here. What I love about this, though, friend, is that your business is going to start to see results, because with intentionality and with action, you can get results that pay, and everybody knows when they see an increase in activity and an increase in income, they get fired up, especially in the network marketing space.

Speaker 1:

I take a lot of people through this very exercise, because a lot of people don't know how to carve out that time, and then, when they do have the time block on their schedule, they go now what? And if they don't have the plan, they go in to activity which never gets them paid. They start looking at trainings, maybe follow a leader that they look up to. Maybe they're just liking and saving things on Pinterest like the forever I'm going to get it done phase. Maybe they're just really kind of like girl stalking and really just kind of getting the stars in their eyes, but they don't have the plan. Now, when you work with me, you get the plan, and so all those things are great for leisure time, but really, friend, we want to start with income producing activities.

Speaker 1:

That hour is priority. That's number one. That is your daily method of operation on who you're talking to and what's the outcome. You've got to set a monetary goal. Maybe you're like I want to sell a hundred dollars a day in products, whether that be to potential customers new or customers that are my top customers with an upsell, maybe that's a combination of both, and absolutely, if that you have that goal in front of you and you have a plan, knowing what sales offer you're going to give, you're probably going to be able to hit that goal. Now, if you're sitting there saying I don't know I need to sell some products, but I don't know what to sell and I don't know who I'm talking to, I can guarantee you right away you're probably going to fall short of that goal because you don't have that plan in place. So make sure that when you're doing your income producing activities, you make sure it's as detailed as possible? How many people? How much do you want to make? How many times are you going to talk to these individuals? Really set some goals and parameters around your activity so that you can get the results.

Speaker 1:

Now, the other thing you understand is that you have that second hour in place, and so each day of my week represents kind of a themed space to work. I have two content days on my schedule. One day is to create, other is to edit and implement. I have a community day. A community day means that's where I'm going out and I'm actively in my groups on social media means that's where I'm going out and I'm actively in my groups on social media working, connecting, talking, creating new prospects and opportunities. This is important. This is where you're going to get those IPAs on your daily list. So you're going to go in full force for an hour and you're just going to light it up and have great success in connecting and starting conversations.

Speaker 1:

Now there's an office day there because, let's face it, we're business women, right? So your office day is where you, if you're a leader, you might be writing a training or talking to your leadership team. Maybe you're taking a training yourself or you're getting things done that don't pertain to the other categories. And then my favorite day is boss day. It's always on Friday. It's like you boss up, you've nailed it, you tie up the loose ends. It's kind of where you also do some of the boss work, whether it's if you have to, you know, pay any bills that are related to your business, or or pay anyone that's related to your business. It's where you're going to outline the next week.

Speaker 1:

You're going to have a plan going into content day. What is your theme next week? What are you targeting? What are your lives going to be about? What posts are you going to do? You know kind of planning that out. You know when content day comes around on Monday, you know what to do.

Speaker 1:

You have that plan in place and so, as you can see, when you start to really work in a space where you can have really specific times and a schedule to show up and really clarify what you're doing, it's no wonder that it works. It's no wonder that you can get more done, because multitasking is truly a myth If you think about it, if I'm listening to a training and if I'm in my laundry room, which today I have an office, but 15 years ago it was a laundry room and I was folding towels and I was listening to a training. I'm only able to comprehend so much right we can. Our brain can only handle so many activities. So, instead of being a multitasking mom which sounds great, but in all honesty it's selling something short in what you're doing I want you to be a full focus mom.

Speaker 1:

I want you to go into your schedule and I want you to get really, really clarified on what you want to have in your business. What are those goals? What does it look like? What are those days? What are you look like? What are those days? What are you doing? And, more importantly, friend, how are you going to take it into action? At the end of the day, we can write lists all we want, but if we don't put action behind it, we're just going to end up rewriting the list. We're probably going to feel overwhelmed and most likely, we're going to burn out. Now. No one wants to have that happen.

Speaker 1:

So I hope today's episode has brought some clarity and has given you some confidence and it's getting you excited about what the upcoming week looks like. You can literally take your schedule out tonight and start to implement the two hour a day rule and really start to implement when you work on your business and when you work in your business, layering out two content days a community day, an office day and a boss day and I'm going to tell you if this is exciting to you. You're going to want to stick around, because each day this week I'm going to dive just a little bit deeper into those days and what I do and, more importantly, I'm going to give you some tactical advice that's going to help you really level up your business this summer. The best part about working at home or for yourself is that you have flexibility. That's one reason why I started network marketing 15 years ago.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to be able to have the time as a mom and not sacrifice it, and with scheduling and with these kind of strategies, it has allowed me excuse me to this point today to get the results that I want and the results that allow me to have more mom time and more flexibility and freedom than ever before, and that's what I want for you, friends. So we're going to wrap it up right now. I will see you again tomorrow for a next episode in this five part series about my anti-social selling system and how to really boss up as a mom on summer break. Take care, gang. Bye.