The Laundry Room Diaries - Angela McKay

From Overwhelmed to Organized

Angela McKay

Feeling like your to-do list is never-ending and you're constantly behind? I've been there, and I'm here to share how I transformed chaos into calm and became a successful businesswoman along the way. Join me as we confront the myth of multitasking and uncover the secrets to mastering time management, especially for those of us juggling motherhood and entrepreneurship. From identifying what truly matters to learning the power of saying no, together we can shift from feeling overwhelmed to thriving with intention and purpose.

In this episode of the Laundry Room Diaries, we explore the art of personalized time-blocking, a game-changer for busy moms, particularly those managing adult ADD. By breaking goals into micro steps and utilizing tools like planners and checklists, you’ll discover how to enhance productivity without sacrificing sanity. Embrace imperfection, allow yourself the grace to navigate daily chaos, and find the systems that work best for your family. Progress is made with every small step towards your dreams, and I'm here to encourage you every step of the way.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Laundro Diaries. This is Angela McKay, and today we're going to be talking about something we've all experienced overwhelm. If you're a mom running a business, running a household or even thinking of starting a business and starting a project, overwhelm can be the hardest thing to get past. And so today, in this episode, I want to talk about this on a personal space and give you some strategies that helped me go from mom brain ADD, overwhelmed Angie to successful overachiever. So let's dive in. All right, guys. Today I'm going to give you some tactical advice from personal experiences that have really helped me navigate the world of mom and boss.

Speaker 1:

And I know for many of you out there listening, you're running all the things. You're busy at home, doing the meals, the car lines, you know homework, cleaning the house, loads of laundry and you're like me you've got this dream in your heart and you started a business. And you're like me you've got this dream in your heart and you started a business, or you're thinking of starting a business. And sometimes, when you take that 20 foot look at life, you're like this is crazy, this is the treadmill of life, how am I going to get it all done? And so I want to talk to you about the reality of overwhelm. You know, normalizing kind of this feeling that we all have it. I think that was the biggest part for me in overcoming was understanding I wasn't on an island alone. I started talking to other moms like me and you know we were all like gosh, we're running kids around, we're running businesses. Like gosh, we're running kids around, we're running businesses. This is like we have a million things up in the air and overwhelm can kind of come in and take over and start to really sabotage our success and our path and our strategies. And so, by knowing that I wasn't alone, it started to empower me and made me want to figure it out right, like to get through this, instead of letting it define me. And so I want you to remember feeling overwhelmed does not mean that you're not capable and in fact it's just a space of growth that needs to happen for you to start to put some strategies to get through that hard spot in life. And so, you know, when we deep dive and talk about this today, I want you to remember you're doing everything as a mom to, and even running a business because you deeply care about your family and your dreams, and there's no shame in that, friend, and so don't beat yourself up. I know we can be our own worst enemy and today I hope, by listening to this episode, you feel empowered to become that overcomer of the overwhelm syndrome that most of us have in our life.

Speaker 1:

So let's break down overwhelm with awareness. I think awareness is key because once you understand and you see like for me, when I understood, like I'm not alone, other women feel this way, and so I didn't want to feel like I was the problem right, and so understanding and being aware is really the first step. And so take a moment and think about, like, what you truly want to achieve in your business and as a mom, and really kind of categorize that because it's important. You're running multiple things, so you've got to think in multiple spaces and so, as a mom, what is it that you're trying to accomplish? For me, I wanted to have more mom moments. You know I didn't want my kids to grow up and always see mom on the treadmill of life just chasing the carrot of the next thing. I wanted to be intentional at creating those mom moments, and so the caveat to that was I was going to hire myself and learn how to build my own business and brand, so that I kind of called the shots and I had the flexibility to have those moments. I don't know if that resonates with you, but they kind of go hand in hand, but I want you to think of them separately for a minute. So I wanted to achieve mom moments, but I also wanted to achieve success and have something that I could feel independently proud of as an entrepreneur.

Speaker 1:

I think long are the days of us dismissing the fact that we have dreams in our hearts still as women, and there's no shame that we want to have something to be proud of that we call you, know ours. And if that's a business, if it's creating a product, if it's serving in some community way, you know it's part of who we are and I think it's important as women for us to give ourselves permission to show up with that without the guilt and to be proud of it. And so what does that achievement for business look like for you? And I want you to just write that down, because when you clarify why you want to do something, you are halfway there. You're going to get through the chaotic life with a clear vision and purpose, and that's really where I want you to think about, like why awareness is so important.

Speaker 1:

So many people go unaware of what they want to do or why they want to do it, and that's why they can't get started and they stay in that space of overwhelm, they beat themselves up and they don't get those dreams that they deserve, and I don't want that for you, friend. I want to see you thrive and I want to see you soar in both mom life and business. And so you know, awareness and recognizing triggers was huge for me. When I started to really kind of pay attention to how I was feeling and I started to understand what was happening that would trigger that emotion, I could start to take my power back and not let that become like the dismantle of the day, you know. So I want you to think about that.

Speaker 1:

You know, it's usually like when I start to overcommit myself, I was a pleaser, I said yes more than I said no. No was a really hard word for me for a very long time, I would say up until like my early 40s, like I was still the pleaser, but then inside I was like overwhelmed because I overcommitted and it was taking away what I really was wanting more mom moments and I was wanting to be successful in my business so that I could have that flexibility to have more mom moments. And I was wanting to be successful in my business so that I could have that flexibility to have more mom moments. And so sometimes I know in my business I coach, and then I do some agency work and I do network marketing, and some people say like, oh my gosh, you're so busy, how do you do it?

Speaker 1:

Well, systems are my key recipe for success. Like I have to have systems, I have to have boundaries and I have to be aware of what triggers the negative emotions that put me into the pause moment of my productivity. And so I want you to think about that. Maybe today, just keep a notebook next to you, or this week, and when you start to feel that negative emotion, that overwhelm creeping in, I want you to become aware and I want you to write it down what happened, what happened and what emotion are you experiencing? Because when you start to become aware of that emotion, we can start to talk about ways to navigate through that emotion so it doesn't hold you back. So awareness is really the final step in breaking that cycle of overwhelm and stagnation. Now let's talk about taking action with clarity. I love this because I feel like, instead of trying to tackle everything, focusing on one or two things is really going to have the biggest impact.

Speaker 1:

And so I always used to say in the beginning of my motherhood life, like I'm a multitasking mom, like I wanted to be on that bandwagon. I thought like that's what we were supposed to be. But in fact, friend, multitasking is a myth and it's a misconception. Or I always say it's the deception that we tell ourselves and it frustrates us because we can't do it all and give it all 100%. And so I remember really battling time management. I have adult ADD, I have seven kids and I have all the tabs open in my head. And so, like if I would get an hour behind on my to-do list my to-do list just got rewritten to the next day I would just go in complete overwhelm mode and be like, well, that ship has sailed, I guess it's better luck tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

And I was eating away at productive times because I was letting a clock dictate my success. And so one day I used my awareness. I started to see the trigger of the clock. Life happens. I had to learn how to pivot and give myself permission to be imperfectly perfect, like it didn't go exactly like I wanted, hour by hour, minute by minute, but that didn't mean I had to derail the whole day and plan, and so I created my own version of time blocking. That started to empower me and I started to focus in on a couple key things and give it a hundred percent and then take it off the table and then apply my efforts and time to the next couple things, and I teach and coach people this all the time when they work with me. It's amazing what a time blocking system in your life can do, and it's not.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of topics about this out there, but I'm here to tell you my version is for that busy mom that has all the tabs open in her brain, has you know this? This, this pattern of being stuck and overwhelmed and and really wanting to get through because she has the desire to do more. And so you know I'm not going to unpack the whole time blocking training today. That's a topic for another day or you get that, you know, with me with coaching. However, I want you to understand just simply learning how to break down your goals into little micro steps. You can accomplish 10 to 15 minute segments of your day and just like, check, check, check, and you feel so darn good when you get that done. I don't know about you. I don't want to rewrite the pretty list, my laundry list of to do's. I want to check that stuff off and move on with the next thing. And so sometimes you know it's just having that focus and clarity to know what I'm going to do for the next 10 to 15 minutes and then I'm going to go all in and get it done. It's seriously, it's a game changer.

Speaker 1:

Using tools to stay organized, like again, I love this. I'm a planner girl and I some people are digital planners. I am still old school. I think my age starts to show. I like a good planner, I like to write it down, I like to be able to visually see it and I like to check it off. There's a satisfaction of like, yes, it's done, and I love a good planner.

Speaker 1:

And when I don't have a planner in front of me, that's where I feel a little stressed, because it's a system that I use to stay organized. And so whatever it is for you whether it's a checklist system, a planner system, a family calendar. You know how do you bring order to the chaos, and so I'm a big believer in systems. I run my business on systems. If you work with me in my network marketing business, my girls get systems because that's just how my brain really functions and thrives and that's how I get things accomplished.

Speaker 1:

And so I would say you want to start to identify what system is going to help you stay productive and organized, because when you feel like you have a plan, you don't feel overwhelmed coming in. You're feeling accomplishments, and so routine is setting that strategy, whether it's every morning, you get up and you look at your calendar and you know exactly what to do and you start breaking those down into little micro sections of your day and assigning each task to a 10 or 15 minute work spot. Right, check, get those things done and know that you can move those around based on life. Like kid forgets the lunchbox, it doesn't have to derail your day. What you were going to do in that segment. You're going to flip around and maybe you're going to make a business call when you're driving the lunchbox to school. Right, you're still getting things done.

Speaker 1:

And I think when you start to give yourself that wiggle room and grace and embrace imperfection as life. It's just going to happen Like the Cheerios are going to spill clean it up, ladies, it's life goes on. It doesn't have to make the whole day a bad day. It's a second, it's a moment. Take a deep breath and understand. You've got the tools in front of you to pivot and still be productive, and so find out what really works best for you and your family, because your system is also a communication system so that you can talk with you, your spouse there or a caregiver, and your children and you can start to really run that mom household with efficiency and feel controlled. So small systems are game changers in my life. Now I think embracing imperfect progress and gaining clarity should be highlighted right now.

Speaker 1:

I think, as women, I could talk for a long. I could do a retreat on embracing imperfect perfection, because there was a time in my life where I held myself back because I had not figured this out, and I speak from experience on this. It gave me clarity when I understood that every step you take, no matter how big or small it's, bringing you closer to your vision, right, like it doesn't have to always be the big wins. It doesn't always have to be the way you thought it was going to be and as a faith filled woman, I understand sometimes my time is not the Lord's timing. Let me say that again my time is not the Lord's timing. So I have learned to embrace the journey and find the joy in that process, and that was a huge moment in my life. I started to really break through when I got to this point and said you know what? I'm not going to be perfect, but I'm going to start, because starting is movement and it's motion and you can learn. I am going to give myself grace and know that I am not perfect. I was not designed to be perfect but I am going to learn how to do this to the best of my ability and I'm going to take action, because the only way to get results is to move, to take action.

Speaker 1:

And if you think about overwhelm, it's the opposite. It creates paralysis, it makes you stuck. There is no movement. When you're overwhelmed, you're just like I envision, like if I was looking at a picture of me, overwhelmed. I was sitting there and I was kind of like, uh, I don't even know what to do next, right, and, and I didn't want to live a life of I don't know what to do next, or I I feel negative because I didn't get it done.

Speaker 1:

I wanna feel like, hey, I am moving, I am learning, I am growing and you know what I am excited. I'm excited, attached to the emotion that you want to live in, like decide every day. Emotions are decisions. Like you can have a good day or a bad day. It's up to you. Decide your journey and how you go about it. What is your emotion that you're attaching to this, Like I'm excited to learn and move? I don't know all the answers. I'm probably going to make some mistakes. I make a lot of mistakes, everyone. But you know what? I still excitedly accept it, I learn from it and I keep moving. It's such an amazing place to be when you really aren't working from a space of external validation and you're just going for it and believing in yourself, not worried about someone here or here believes in you. You're like, hey, I believe in me and I've got this, and so I want you to think about that.

Speaker 1:

So focusing on your growth and not just your goals is key, and that's what I was kind of talking about there. It's really, it's taking a step, like every time you take that step, I guess, is how I should say it no matter how big or small, you just know that you're moving closer to that vision, to that goal. And for me it was the member, my mom moments. I wanted more mom moments, so I wanted to start a business, and those two work hand in hand. And for me it was the member, my mom moments. I wanted more mom moments, so I wanted to start a business, and those two work hand in hand.

Speaker 1:

And so, as I move through this, I know I can get things done, and so I want to give myself credit when I show up. I want to give myself credit even on the hard days, and that's why I'm a firm believer that you need to focus on the wins. I will always highlight and that's one thing'm a firm believer that you need to focus on the wins. I will always highlight, and that's one thing we do at our dinner table every night is tell me the win of your day. My kids know this is coming. I talk. Dinner time as a family is a non negotiable in our house, and the older they get, the slower I eat, because I know that time right there is invaluable. Like that is like mom in the cars and at dinner tables is where we want to lock in and have that kind of time with our children and our spouse. And so I've always said in my journal I start with a goal, I end with a win, and that's my thing. What's your goal tomorrow and what was your win for the day?

Speaker 1:

And we're teaching, as business women, our habits to our children by having these conversations. Our business is necessary. It's not a time taker from our family. We're instilling values and giving them so many tools and lessons to help them become foundationally stronger as they grow up. And so quit looking at your business like a guilt. Oh, I'm not with my son or daughter because of my business. No, there is a time where you have to give yourself permission to be just you and your business. But you're going to gain the knowledge, you're going to get all this clarity, you're going to hit your goals, you're going to grow yourself. And then, when you have mom moments, that creeps out, it comes out and it becomes these lessons that not only we learn, but we carry on and we teach our children.

Speaker 1:

And so that was like the most beautiful thing I saw as a business mom.

Speaker 1:

Or a quote unquote mom boss, as everyone says, was that you know it does work hand in hand and there's no guilt to having and wanting both ways. And in fact, I was so excited when I found my perfect way to have a business and be the mom that I wanted to be, and that was through network marketing, because for me, it allowed me to have a business and be the mom that I wanted to be, and that was through network marketing because for me, it allowed me to have the flexibility to work from home around our busy life, versus having a busy life trying to stick my kids in between a job. I wanted to have that ability to have control over our schedule and to be able to be there, because I know those mom moments are going to go very fast. They are not lifetime guaranteed and in fact you start counting down how many more holidays, how many summers do you have till your child turns 18? That will put it in perspective, because those are moments that you only get one shot at, and so you want to find something that you can do to pursue a dream that you have in your heart, so you can financially take care of your family, but you want to do it in a way that allows you to have the opportunity to spend moments with your kids, because, at the end of the day, I'm pretty sure every mom listening today is going to agree that mom moments really do outweigh commas on a check. So, guys, I hope right now that you've kind of went from oh, I'm an overwhelmed mom trying to build a business, or thinking about building a business, or I'm in business and I'm overwhelmed, to I feel empowered, I feel like I can overachieve this year. I can do this and I see some simple strategies and just with one episode today that's going to take me there.

Speaker 1:

Now I just want to tell you right now to continue to keep embracing that imperfect perfection. I want you to be aware of those triggers. Do that kind of homework, take, I think, inventory on that, because knowledge is power, awareness gives clarity and clarity is what creates action and gets you results. And so, friend, keep celebrating all the way along. I always say that and just understand, if this episode resonated with you, share it with someone else. We all have a mom friend, we know someone who might be going through overwhelm right now. Give it a share and let me know in a review how this impacted you. I truly appreciate the times we get to spend here in the Laundrom Diaries and until next time, I just want to encourage you to keep taking those steps forward, one load of laundry at a time, if that's what it is, mama, but understand that you deserve everything that's in your heart and I want you to continue to dream big. Thanks, gang.